
Leadership and development for our leaders

To accelerate the transformation, we all need to work together. But change always requires someone to go first and lead the way. This puts new demands on our leaders. It requires leaders who can inspire us to grow. Leaders who give us space to think new. Leaders who drive change and take bold decisions and actions.

It all starts with people. Let’s accelerate the transformation together.

Nadim Penser & Camilla Goldbeck-Lowe

To fulfil our ambitions for sustainable, profitable growth, leadership plays a decisive role. We believe that competent and courageous leaders are crucial for achieving the strategy of Epiroc.

Our definition of leadership is: To inspire growth, create commitment and leave a clear legacy. Our leadership vision is: We grow together with passionate people and courageous leaders

Our Epiroc Leaders accelerate the transformation by being inspiring new thinkers

Image of a poster that reflects Epiroc's leadership expectations

This poster reflects our leadership expectations

Accelerate the transformation