
Share information

The Epiroc shares are listed at the exchange NASDAQ Stockholm, Large cap.

Listing and shares

Epiroc’s shares were listed on Nasdaq Stockholm on June 18, 2018 at an opening price of SEK 88.0 and SEK 84.0, respectively (A and B share). Epiroc has dual share classes. A shares entitle the owner to one vote while B shares entitle the owner to one tenth of a vote. A shares and B shares carry equal rights to a part of the company’s assets and profit.

Dual share classes

Dual share classes are common in Sweden and represent a majority of the aggregate market capitalization of main market listed companies in Sweden. The dual share classes are a governance mechanism which facilitates a stable, long-term investor base, while at the same time enabling high liquidity in the shares. According to the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Sw. Svenskt Näringsliv) investors holding shares without multiple voting rights have solid protection under Swedish corporate law, including:

• a strong principle of equal and fair treatment of shareholders,

• qualified majority requirements for key material shareholder decisions,

• high degree of transparency,

• shareholder pre-emption rights on share issues, and minority powers to take specific action, including to request minimum dividends, minority auditors and special examiners. 

Return and market capitalization

In 2023, the price of the A share increased 6.5% (-17.2) to SEK 202.2 and the price of the B share increased 5.2% (-12.5) to SEK 176.4. The corresponding development for OMXSPI, i.e., all shares, and OMX Stockholm Industrials (SX2000PI) was +25.1% % and 15.5%, respectively. The total shareholder return of the A share was +8.4% (-15.8). Epiroc’s market capitalization at the end of 2023 was MSEK 235 357 (221 771). The total shareholder return since listing has been 146.7% for the A share and 130.2% for the B share.


Epiroc was the 26th (29th) most traded name on Nasdaq Stockholm during 2023. The total turnover in Epiroc shares was SEK 59.0 (68.4) billion, corresponding to average daily turnover of MSEK 235 (270). Nasdaq Stockholm accounted for 19% (24) of the trading in the A-share. Around 30% (38) of the trading was conducted on the open market, while the remainder was outside the public market, e.g., through over-the-counter trading and dark pools.

Symbols and tickers

Dividend, redemption and dividend policy

The Annual General Meeting 2024 approved the Board’s proposal of the dividend of SEK 3.80 (3.40) per share to be paid in two equal installments. Epiroc’s goal is to provide long-term stable and rising dividends to its shareholders. The dividend should correspond to 50% of net profit over the cycle. The proposed dividend corresponds to 49% (49) of earnings per share.

* a distribution of SEK 3.00 per share through mandatory redemption

Share buybacks and divestments

On Nasdaq’s webpage you can find information about Epiroc’s repurchases of own shares and cancellation of treasury shares. In recent years the repurchases have been made in order to cover the performance-based long-term incentive program for the board. For further information on the option programs and repurchase of own shares, please see note 25 in the annual report.

Data per share

The PDMR transactions register and insiders

The Financial Supervisory Authority's PDMR transactions register contains information on persons in a leading position and the transactions that they and their relatives have carried out in shares and debt instruments issued by Epiroc AB. Updated information is available at Financial Supervisory Authority’s homepage: Finansinspektionen

What is an insider?

An insider is a person who has access to unpublished information about a company. Most often, it is a person with good insight into the business, such as the CEO, members of the management team and board members.

However, note that anyone can be an insider. Should you become aware of yet-to-be-publicized information about Epiroc AB that may affect the share price, and based on this information trade in the company's securities, you may be guilty of insider trading. Furthermore, the person who pass along and discloses inside information may be convicted of unauthorized disclosure of inside information.


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