

Here we gather news and recognitions that we are extra proud of. Enjoy the reading!

Recognitions 2025

Jan. 2025
Epiroc wins Web Service Awards for our corporate website

The Web Service Awards have been presented for 25 years – and for the first time, Epiroc is at the top of the podium. Epiroc was nominated last year, but this year it went all the way and took home the award for best commercial website. The jury's motivation: 

"This is a website that provides great benefit to its target audiences no matter where in the world they are. Working on new designs, improving the structure and search function and updating the content has yielded results. Both desktop and mobile users give the site top results. This also previously appreciated website has gone from Good to Greater"


Ingela Jerat, Global Web Manager at Epiroc: "It is a great recognition of all the work we have done with our Corporate website over the past 1.5 year. Many thanks to everyone internally who contributes content to the site and the support I receive from IT and our divisions. We also have good cooperation with our partners."
Read the interview with Ingela here. (In Swedish)

See all the winners and more information from WSA here. (In Swedish)

Recognitions 2024

Nov. 2024

TIME Magazine: Epiroc among "World's Best Companies in Sustainable Growth 2025"


TIME Magazine and research firm Statista named Epiroc as one of the ”World’s Best Companies in Sustainable Growth 2025”.  Epiroc was ranked the highest among Sweden-based companies.  

After considering more than 3000 companies globally and whittling down the list to the 500 best performers, they placed Epiroc as number 166 overall, and within the ”Resource Generation & Infrastructure” category, Epiroc was ranked number seven. 

TIME Magazine and Statista considered long-term financial stability, revenue growth 2021-2023, and environmental performance, including carbon emissions and water usage.  

Read about the list here

Helena Hedblom Epiroc

Nov. 2024

Prestigious awards in China for Epiroc and Helena Hedblom

Epiroc demonstrated its leading position in the Chinese mining and construction industry by winning prestigious awards at the T50 World Construction Machinery Summit in Shanghai, China. Also, Epiroc's President and CEO Helena Hedblom was honored as CEO of the Year 2024, being recognized as a strong leader who is spearheading a passionate and committed team that accelerates the transformation in the industry.
Epiroc was ranked:

No.4 in 2024 World Top 50 Mining Equipment Manufacturers

No.12 in 2024 World Top 50 Construction Machinery Manufacturers 

Minetruck MT 42 SG Smart and Green charging

June 2024

The world's 95th most sustainable company

TIME Magazine listed Epiroc as the world's 95th most sustainable company.  Among manufacturing and industrial production companies, TIME listed us as the world's 7th most sustainable company.  


TIME Magazine, one of the United States' premier weekly newsmagazines, together with data company Statista, has published a list of the world's 500 most sustainable companies, after having reviewed more than 5 000 companies.  The focus of the study is how companies work to benefit the ​environment by reducing emissions.  The full list and information about the selection methodology is available on TIME's website. 

April, 2024

Epiroc on the list of Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024

We are proud to say that Financial Times is listing Epiroc as one of Europe’s Climate Leaders 2024. 


For "the fourth edition of Europe’s Climate Leaders — compiled by the Financial Times in partnership with data provider Statista — shows that growing numbers of European companies are already making headway in cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions."


The list focuses primarily on businesses that have achieved the greatest reduction in their Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity over a five-year period (2017-22 for this edition). Scope 1 and 2 emissions — “core emissions” in the table — come respectively from a company’s own operations and from the energy it uses, while intensity is defined as tonnes of emissions of CO₂-equivalent per €1mn of revenue.
See the full list here. 

Näringslivets mäktigaste kvinna

March, 2024

Helena - the most influential woman in Swedish business

The leading Swedish business daily Dagens industri named our CEO Helena Hedblom as the most influential woman in Swedish business. In an interview with the newspaper, Helena talks about her inclusive leadership style, the importance of promoting a diverse workforce to boost creativity and innovation, and more.  

Read the full article here.

CDP 2023

February, 2024

Epiroc receives good score again from CDP

Epiroc received an A- score in the 2023 year’s CDP ranking for climate change, remaining among the top ranked companies in our industry.


“CDP is really an enabler for us to be transparent with our journey towards reaching our ambitious climate targets.” says Ester Osbeck, Climate Change Manager


"We are happy to again receive high scoring for our climate work. Our customers in the mining and construction industries are crucial for the green transition to happen. With our focus on products and solutions that can lead to a lower climate change impact, we contribute to a more sustainable industry." says Camilla Goldbeck-Löwe, VP Sustainability 


CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, has the world’s most comprehensive dataset on environmental action measure. They measure thousands of companies each year and incentivize actions for improved environmental performance. The CDP questions are in constant development to ensure they always cover the most important metrics companies should measure to understand and improve their performance. Hence, the requirements for an A score are continually increasing. Read more about CDP here.

Filminspelning Epiroc Nacka. Behind The Scenesbilder, filmproduktion. Bilder: Per Knutsson.

January, 2024

Best Mining Technology Company

​​Mining trade publication InvestMETS has named Epiroc as Best Mining Technology Company, as part of the 2023 Global Mining Technology Awards, after a lengthy jury process involving a panel of judges from 11 countries.
Read the full article here.

January, 2024

Epiroc's corporate website in top position

Web Service Index is a survey conducted on websites in Sweden. This survey has been carried out for 24 years as a tool to measure how well the visitors like the website, this year was the first year the Epiroc was included in the survey. The top five companies in the survey gets nominated to Web Service Award.


This year our website was nominated in the category commercial websites, we are very happy to be one of the most liked websites in Sweden.

Read the list of nominees here.(In Swedish)

Read the article with our Global Web Manager. (In Swedish)

Recognitions 2023

December, 2023
Helena presenter of the year 
For 30 years, Financial Hearings has evaluated and announced winners within financial communications in Sweden. This year, our CEO, Helena Hedblom won the category "Presenter of the year". Thank you to everyone in the jury for recognizing Epiroc and the hard work we put in for a consistent and clear corporate message towards the financial industry.
Quote from the jury:

“The Presenter of the Year - the Original Financial Hearings Prize - goes to Helena Hedblom at Epiroc. Helena was just voted Leader of the Year by Affärsvärlden, and the Jury could just agree to the work she has done and the way she has presented things, supported by Head of IR Karin Larsson.”


Our CFO, Håkan Folin was nominated in the category “best CFO”, which is also pleasing, as our communication is a team effort, including Alexander Apell and Ola Kinnander.

For more information go to

December 2024

Epiroc wins Digital Engineering Awards

Epiroc to win the yet another innovation prize! This time it is for "Autonomous Mining Domination". The statement from the jury:

"Epiroc’s state-of-the-art mining offering, with its 6th Sense technology, is transforming the mining industry by enabling scalable levels of automation from operator assistance to full autonomy. The Epiroc control system (RCS) enables advanced software functionalities like AutoLevel and Hole Navigation System for machine leveling and accurate hole placement. Additional functionalities and capabilities enable process automation systems for remote control room operations and full autonomous drilling cycles.
Increased automation also helps enhance safety with obstacle and proximity detection and offers rich data, reporting, and situational awareness solutions. The project has had a significant impact across increasing productivity, safety, and overall efficiency in mining operations. A Western Australia-based user has relocated autonomous drill control from physical mines to their offices in Perth, improving access to quality for employees and enhancing their quality of life. The autonomous mining system is recognized in the category of Digital Engineering Project/Program of the Year." Read more here.

Male and female employees in front of computer screens in Epiroc Control Tower

November, 2023

Epiroc on the Young Professional Attraction Index survey

Where do young professionals want to work? Well-known tech companies such as Spotify and Google still top the list. But things are about to change. The annual Young Professional Attraction Index survey in Sweden shows a clear upswing in interest in industries contributing to the green transition. Of the 100 most popular companies, Epiroc is ranked 22nd. Last year, we were not even on the list.
See the full list here.


November, 2023

Helena Hedblom Leader of the Year

Leader of the Year: This is how Helena Hedblom made Epiroc a gold medalist in the mine. With Helena, the company got a CEO who is the picture of a "modern leader". She thinks about leadership issues "every day". The most important thing she looks for in recruitment for positions is whether the candidates match the company's values. These values border on progressive in character, with a focus on equality, diversity and a shift towards electrification and automation.
More details here. 

We at Epiroc accelerate the transformation

September, 2023

Epiroc communication nominated

The Epiroc communication campaign "Accelerate the transformation" was one of 5 companies that was nominated for the Publishing Price 2023. The campaign was nominated as one out of five companies for best "Brand building ads". 
See the campaign page here.
See the full list of nominees. (In Swedish) 

Group of people talking, happy

May, 2023

Epiroc is one of the top 25 most attractive employers in Sweden! 

The Randstad Employer Brand Research 2023 announces the top most attractive employers in Sweden every year. We are especially proud and excited that Epiroc climbed 18 positions from last year and ended up on a impressive 6th placement this year!

You find the full report here.

Minetruck MT 42 SG Smart and Green charging

April, 2023

Epiroc in the list of Climate Leaders 2023
In an annual ranking of 500 companies conducted by the Financial Times, Epiroc was named a “Europe Climate Leader” and came out among the top one-third of the companies. Epiroc was highest ranked among the Sweden-based companies in the "Machines & industrial equipment" category. Climate is important both to us and to our customers. We invest more than ever in innovation to keep providing customers with equipment and services that increase productivity as well as reduce emissions. Year-on-year, our R&D expenses are up almost 40% to MSEK 500.

Read more in Europe's Climate Leaders 2023

Accelerate the transformation