

The Underground division develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of tunneling and mining equipment, including drill rigs, loaders, mine trucks and ventilation systems, for underground applications worldwide. It focuses on innovative product design and aftermarket support systems for added customer value. The division has production in Sweden, India and China.   

The division is also offering much of its product portfolio as battery electric versions, improving the work environment in underground mines while boosting customers’ productivity and lowering their total cost of operation. 

Here are a few examples of the Underground division’s innovative offerings:

Boomer XE3 in underground mine
The Boomer face drill rig.  The underground Boomer face drill rigs are used for blast hole drilling in underground mining and tunneling. The rigs are equipped with up to four booms, covering cross sections from 6 m2 to 206 m2. A variety of automation features are available, such as the Rig Control System which enables teleremote operation with a control panel that monitors local sensors and cameras. Read more about the rigs here.
Scooptram ST14 Battery, Boomer E2 Battery and Minetruck MT42 Battery 3D render, front view in underground mine
The new generation battery electric underground loaders, trucks and drill rigs. The new products include 14 and 18-ton loaders, a 42-ton truck and a mid-sized drilling family including face drilling, production drilling and rock reinforcement rigs. Epiroc is proud to be on the forefront as the mining industry starts to switch to electrified machines. Customers see benefits such as healthier and more energetic operators thanks to lower emissions and noise, reduced ventilation needs and costs, as well as higher productivity. Read more here about how customers are seeing the benefits of battery electric underground mining machines.
Scooptram Automation operator
Scooptram Automation Total. This is the highest level of loader automation for a multiple fleet, bringing new standards of productivity and safety to underground mining. The loader automation package improves safety and productivity by creating a common information environment that controls multiple fleet of loaders. At the core of the system is the Traffic Management System. Read more about Scooptram Automation Total here.
Mobilaris Onboard tablet
Mobilaris Onboard™ This is a revolutionizing product running on a standard tablet with disruptive technology that makes high-accuracy positioning in underground mines possible even without any positioning infrastructure. It makes miners aware of the real-time situation in the mine, lessening traffic congestions and empowering the mining companies through increased transparency, safety and productivity. Mobilaris Onboard™ is developed by Mobilaris, partly owned by Epiroc. Read more about Mobilaris Onboard™ here.
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